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Educate – Education HTML Templates is a Modern, Creative, and Responsive. Template Design suitable for Educational Institutions like Universities and Colleges, Online Courses / Online Learning, and Events. Clean, crisp, and simple design that can easily be adapted and used for a variety of similar niche websites. This HTML Template has dark & light versions, boxed & wide versions, Singlepage & Multipage versions, & Unlimited Colors.
The Template is based on Bootstrap 5 design so this Template will be 100% fluid and responsive on any device.
Best HTML Template Features:
Fully Responsive design
Bootstrap 5
Wow Animations
100% W3C Valid
Free Icons
Built with HTML5 & CSS3
Easy to customize
Clean Design
Sticky Header
Pixel Perfect
Free Google Fonts.
1. Download.
2. Extract.
3. Start Enjoying
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