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LinkVault is a modern web application that allows users to organize and monetize their links through a folder-based system. Built with PHP 8.2, it offers a clean, responsive interface with focus on speed and security.
Key Features
Link Management
- Create unlimited folders to organize links
- Store multiple links within each folder
- Custom folder names and descriptions
- Password protection for sensitive folders
- Track clicks and visits for each link/folder
- Share folders via unique URLs
- Earn money from folder/link visits
- Customizable earning rates
- Detailed earnings dashboard
- Payment history tracking
- Multiple withdrawal methods
- Minimum payout thresholds
Admin Panel
- User management system
- Earnings overview and reports
- Payment processing controls
- Site settings configuration
- Traffic analytics dashboard
- Security logs and monitoring
Technical Specifications
- Responsive design works on all devices
- Clean modern interface
- Fast loading times
- Progressive enhancement
- Accessibility compliant
- PHP 8.2+ powered
- MySQL database
- RESTful API architecture
- JWT authentication
- Rate limiting
- XSS protection
Security Features
- Password hashing
- CSRF protection
- Input sanitization
- Brute force prevention
- SQL injection protection
- File upload validation
See INSTALLATION.txt for detailed setup instructions
- PHP 8.2 or higher
- MySQL/MariaDB
- Apache/Nginx web server
- mod_rewrite enabled
- PHP extensions: mysqli, mbstring, mail
- Cronjobs / Scheduled Task
Admin Access
Email : [email protected]
Password : admin@123
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